The Isole Tremiti are an archipelago in the Adriatic Sea, north of Vieste and the Gargano Peninsula. This destination is wonderful for tourists, with a lot to offer including the fact that they are part of the Gargano national park.  Nature underlies the name of this area, with the core of the name Isole Tremeti Italy translating to “tremors”.

The highlight of Isole Tremeti are the incredible beaches which attract many toursists from local areas and far and wide.

Isole Tremeti Bachground

The Isole Tremeti contrast with the ultra blue waters of the Adriatic Sea to form a breathtaking sight.  If there is one place you might want to visit – one that many who visit the Vieste area often overlook – it is these islands

There are actually three small islands that make up this small Temeti area.  It is not recently built up and therefore a wonderful place to explore and relax during your holiday vacation.  What you might find on the Tremeti Islands includes:

– Wonderful marine grottoes, perfect for exploring by land or by sea

– Inlets that are tucked away and perfect for a picnic or just some private time

– Small overhanging cliffs that add sharpness to the view

– Small but pristine forests of pine trees.

These islands were once an important first level defense of the Vieste area, and thus there is a fortress that can be explored called the Saint Nicola Benedictine Abbey Fortress.  Other than that, the islands are mostly dominated by natural beauty and wonder.  You will enjoy this getaway, since as quiet and relaxing as Vieste itself is, nothing can beat the potential of a small undeveloped island for bringing home the beauty and of this area of Italy.

Isole Tremeti Destinations

There are two major places to stay on the Isole Tremeti:

San Domino is the most highly developed tourist destination, though like Vieste even though it attracts a lot of toursists it still does not feel San Domino in Isole Tremeticrowded or overly busy.  Sand Domino in the Isole Tremeti has a wonderful and widely known soft sandy beach that atracts a large number of toursists of all types.

For those looking for a taste of the local culture and history you might like San Nicola.  San Nicola in the Isole Tremeti is the most populated island and it has a very rich history.

Here is the Tremeti Islands home page and many travel sites like Trip Advisor have great information that can help you plan your travel to the Tremeti Islands

Choosing Isole Tremiti

Of course our main blog here covers Vieste Italy, but the reason we wanted to cover other areas such as Isole Treemti is that it is quite popular for an individual, couple, or family to want return to Vieste Italy after a fun an exciting holiday vacation experience.  Sometimes the next trip is a longer duration, and perhaps for variety and new learning the next visit involves staying at a new place – perhaps a different type of accommodation – and of course trying new activities and restaurants.  None of this is any surprise, since those who love this destination tend to want to return, and sometimes want to return as soon as possible.  There is a lot t do in the region and one trip may not be enough!  For those who want to experience  similar vacation but in a different and unique place, Isole Tremeti may be just the fit.

Sometimes people really change things up when they return to Italy and Isole Tremeti is just the thing for that.  Perhaps they went as couple but now are returning with their kids and want to be close to the beach.  Or maybe its the opposite, and after traveling as a family the couple wants a romantic getaway just themselves such as San Domino.  Maybe Vieste was merely one stop on a tour of Gargano or an even wider Isole Tremetisection of Italy, but now they want to try the next thing.  And finally, perhaps Vieste was visited for some sort of business purpose but now will be a trip that is purely personal and Isole Tremeti and the beaches on Sand Domino may be a great fit.  Maybe you’ve decided to change the time of year you are visiting, having gone in the summer months when the focus was the beach and outdoor activities you will now go in winter when the shops, restaurants, and historical sights can be taken in such as on San Nicola.

Tremeti Island Tours

There are many types of Tremeti Island tours you can take, and each has unique benefits and potential for enjoyment.  Despite how small this lovely area is, there are tours both within it and around it, and many modes of transportation and exploration.  We list just a few of the more popular Tremeti Island tours here.  Some of these may be guided by a local, while others may be the kind that you can do yourself with a written guide.

  • Hiking tours in Isole Tremeti take you to the surrounding forest and natural areas outside of town.  You may be amazed at the diversity of wildlife and the beauty there is to behold just outside the town.  You may want to take a longer hike designed to keep you fit, or a shorter hike where you stop frequently to take in the sights.  One company that offers these types of outings is called Agenzia Sol.
  • Biking tours of Isole Tremeti can also be quite fun, and of course they allow you to see a lot of the town in a relatively short period of time.  Again, you may have to choose between more rigorous biking tours that are designed as much for fitness as they are for sightseeing, or slower tours with more stops designed to concentrate on taking in the sights.  Agenzia Sol also arranges biking tours, as does is as does Explora Gargano which specializes in mountain bike tours
  • Gastronomic tours are a bit more fun and perhaps less healthy than the two listed above.  These Isole Tremeti Italy tours often take you throughout the region to sample different types of local food.  This can be a wonderful way to explore both the culture and the food in Italy.  You may want to combine a gastro tour with one of the two above options for a nice balance, or use your hiking or biking tours to build your appetite so that you can enjoy a food tour of the region.
  • Sightseeing tours by land can be wonderful, and you can choose whether to take a tour that covers a lot of ground so that you might go back and spend more time with your favorites, or a tour that covers less ground and just goes to few places, often places with a particular theme (nature, history, architecture, etc.).  You also can choose the method of transportation for a sightseeing tour of Vieste, such as by bus, by van, on foot, or even by bicycle as listed above.
  • Beach tours may be available where you can explore the natural beauty of the beach, or the caves nearby.  These Tremeti Island tours can be fun for the whole family, and you may learn everything from natural wonders near the shoreline, to the history of the coastal region, to the wonders of the caves.  Of course you could also go a little ways out and go snorkeling, which is a kind of tour in itself!

These are the main types of tours of Isole Tremeti and they can be a fun and informative thing to do if you want to learn a little and get to know the region better.  They can also be a great way to figure out which places you want to spend more time at, and to visit some out of the way locations you otherwise would not have seen.  There are of course more general Italy tour that bring you far beyond Isole Tremeti, but for this posting we stayed with those that concentrate on the town itself and surrounding areas.

Have fun and feel free to let us and other readers know how it went if you decide to go on any of these types of Tremeti Island tours!

Isole Tremeti Summary

One way or another, returning to the Gargano region to Isole Tremeti can be a wonderful experience, and even if you decide to go back and repeat almost the same trip you will still find that the food is not exactly the same (though always great!) and there are new people to meet and activities to try.  Hopefully our travel guide and other information can help you plan your next trip, whether it is similar or different from the first time you went – as you explore Isole Tremeti!

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Sidney Allen
Providing information and advice about a true hidden jewel as far as Italian travel - or for that matter European travel - Vieste Italy. If you are looking for a wonderful holiday travel destination, Vieste may be it. MY site is completely independent and unbiased, and I have no stake in your ultimate decision of whether to go or not - I just love this little vacation town!
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