One great thing about Vieste is its proximity to nature, bordered by a forest and farmland.  Thus even though this travel destination is an oceanside retreat, there is an uncommon amount of space just minutes away from the beach.  This makes Vieste a perfect place for those looking to experience agritourism – a vacation on a farm.  There are several possibilities for agritourism right in Vieste and even more just outside.  These choices have the advantages of space and also of learning opportunities for everyone.  The kinds of activities you might be able to take advantage of on a Vieste farm location include:

– Being around and helping with the animals that live there.  Many people choose agritourism in Vieste or other places to be around animals and understand farm life with them, so this presents such an opportunity.

– Seeing the process of creating products.  Some Vieste farms, for example, produce olive oil directly from olives grown there.  Watching this process from beginning to end can be fascinating.

– Being involved in the growing of vegetables and fruits can also be an exciting way to spend some of your agritourism adventure in Vieste.  And of course enjoying the food that is grown there can be wonderful as well.

– Generally enjoying the pace that a Vieste farm has to offer can be great – this may be particularly true of families with younger children or people traveling in groups.

– Vieste agritourism can also provide an opportunity to meet other people and make new friends from all around the world

These are just some of the advantages of traveling to Vieste and staying on a farm.  Of course there are disadvantages – or at least reasons why this type of trip may not be as favorable – as well.  For example, you will not be as close to the beach and there may be more work than you might like on a holiday to do.  And for those who like privacy the accommodations may involve some group activities or at least a lot of shared area.

There are really three levels of agritourism in Vieste Italy that you could choose, such as:

  1. Fully immersion a farm, which included helping out with daily chores and generally becoming a functional farm-hand during your stay.  This option may lead to the most learning and hands-on excitement, but may also mean that you will not fully explore and enjoy the rest of Vieste.  For those who want to enjoy this part of the country and gain relaxation and comfort from being active and busy, or those who want to meet people in a natural and easy way, this full immersion may be a great choice.
  2. Partial immersion in the farm is a form of agritourism in Vieste and elsewhere that involves something that more resembles shifts.  In other words, you may have to do some of the farm’s chores for a few hours in the morning before the day is yours, or you may have a few days where you are fully involved with the farm and the rest of the days off.  Or perhaps one specific chore is yours each day.  One way or another this option ,may be perfect for those who want the best of both worlds.
  3. Completely optional involvement is our third category of agritourism in Viste Italy, and this involves staying on a farm but not being required to do anything, but being invited to do almost everything.  You can choose to just stay there and enjoy the space and the fun of a farm, or you can dive in to specific tasks and involvement.  This option may be good for couple and families who are traveling together and have different desires as far ass farm living during their holiday vacation.
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Sidney Allen
Providing information and advice about a true hidden jewel as far as Italian travel - or for that matter European travel - Vieste Italy. If you are looking for a wonderful holiday travel destination, Vieste may be it. MY site is completely independent and unbiased, and I have no stake in your ultimate decision of whether to go or not - I just love this little vacation town!
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